Under a cloudless blue sky and on a lovely day at Forrester Park Chelmsford Blues faced Maldon Pavilion on lawns that took some getting used to by both teams. John Skuse (3) and Ernie Bailey (11) started well by winning their doubles versus Al Brown (1) and Joan Faircloth (11) 7-6 whilst Pete Wilkinson (9) and Anne Skuse (9) lost 3-7 to PeteHowe (3) and Neil Clark (9). Honours even. Likewise after the first set of singles as John beat Al 7-4 and Ernie beat Joan 7-5 whilst Anne and Pete both succumbed to Neil and Pete. The second set of singles saw the turning of the tide in Maldon’s favour as Neil beat Ernest 7-5 Al beat Pete 7-5 and Pete Howe beat John 7-6 with Anne being our only winner 7- 6 over Joan. Lunchtime score Maldon Pavilion 6 Chelmsford Blues 4. After lunch in the Forrester Park Golf Club more trouble for Chelmsford Blues as the home team took the 3rd set of singles 3-1 with John beating Neil 7-4 whilst Pete, Anne and Ernest all lost despite Pete taking Joan to the 13th hoop. Finally the last set was shared with Ernie beating Al 7-3 and Pete overcoming Neil 7-4.. Unfortunately the Skuse’s both lost to make the final score Maldon Pavilion 11 (109 hoops) Chelmsford Blues 7 (94 hoops).